Thursday, 10 September 2009

Photo Gallery

Sweetheart Abbey-in New Abbey nr Dumfries

Shambellie House Museum
Lunch in Carlisle -Tim's first ever Subway
Outside hotel at Dumfries


  1. First ever subway?! Was it good?

  2. Nice to see some culture subway being the classiest of all!Is that some other cyclists in the background?It must be the mecca of cyclists!

  3. OOOPS! that will be my husband in the background-I forgotten what he looks like already!!!!!!

  4. That would be because he's lost 20lb already and you could't see him!

    Where are the inspiring quotes of the day - Lucy and i will have to seek some out instead of watching chick flicks (sorry Steve the remote is all ours!!)

  5. Also whilst i'm here - a few people have mentioned that they are struggling to make comments - its easy really once your've written your message just click on select profile, then choose name/url and give yourself a name - ignore the url bit, hit continue then post comment and type in the word verification bit and ta dah!!!

  6. If you double click on the image it will go full screen- no chance of missing Tim then.
    Thanks Kate for "comment instructions"- sorry it seems complicated but once done it really is easy
