Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Happy Days

Great day today - we have all remembered why we used to like cycling! 70 miles of enjoyable cycling through attractive scenery into Dumfries, helped in no small part by the sun coming out - quite a contrast from yesterday's gales and heavy rain. A couple of "mechanicals" on the bikes, Tim's front shifter rachet mechanism has broken (top speed down from 40 to 30 mph now) and Steve was unable to clip in (now fixed by adjustment with 2.5mm Allen key which of course none of our "cool tools" that we were carrying had). Thanks to Sarah for scouting out a cycle shop in Dumfries before we arrived.
Thanks for all the comments and texts of support, it's got us through our darkest moment. We are looking forward tomorrow; England beckons .........


  1. Martin, it sounds like you have hit the wall and cycled through it! Well done. On to Lands End.
    Love Julie

  2. Well done boys and Laundry Lady Sarah! really good to hear about such a positive day. Can't wait to see you on Sunday.


  3. Looking good and ready for more action I'd say!

    Well done


  4. hope you're having a good time Dad and not acheing too much. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Lots of love and kisses Alice and Gus x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

  5. I can`t wait to see them Sunday too. Steve S - "Will you have a shave first please ?"
    Steve H

  6. Glad to hear there aren't 4 bikes for sales after all!!!! See you soon


  7. It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle. ~Ernest Hemingway
    Would you all agree with Ernest????? Perhaps after such a good day today you would!! Love Nicky

  8. Well done lads , NOT a "Bridge too Far " for you all. What chapter are you on for saddle soreness ?

  9. I want to know who all these women are posting comments?????

    So glad to see that you are making good progress Chaps.

    Keep going - you're nearly there........not!

    ps Steve says its 5-1 to England and the 'Sweaties' have lost!!

    Lots of love

  10. Nicky thats beautifully said.

    I now feel a quote of the day coming on for the next week or so, I think this one should be for yesterday.

    Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” Lance Armstrong.

    Keep pedaling boys.

    Kate, Lucy & Jake

  11. and to cap a better day for you England won!
    the scenery looks so inspiring but i hope you've not hit too many walls



  12. Heather Emily Mary9 September 2009 at 22:25

    You literary lot I'm impressed.Keep up the good work all 5 of you.Looking forward to sunday x
