Monday, 21 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

Lands End - the end!

Made it....!

Friday 18th September-The final Day

And they are off on their final leg. This was them this morning as they set off. We will keep you posted. I am off to meet Kate and Heather in Penzance- horraay! I will finish my little adventure and will be able to say that I have driven from John O Groats to Lands End, and when I say it took 2 weeks I will wait for some bright spark to say "you could have cycled it in that time"!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Statistics for the trip so far

Time for a stretch!
Photo opportunity on Dartmoor

With just one leg to go the stats for the trip so far are:
Total distance = 954 miles (1000 tomorrow)
Total height climbed = 60226 feet
Highest point = 1524 feet ( 6 days above 1000ft)
3 punctures, 2 broken spokes, 1 broken shifter, 2 jammed front mechs;
52+ bananas
104 litres of rocket fuel drunk .....

High point of the Tor - day 13

Sorry about no update yesterday - we were up on the Moor in moretonhamstead which was a bit of a communication black hole. Yesterday generally went well and we made good time. Another broken spoke but managed to get it repaired in Tiverton while we had toasted sandwiches in a tea room a few doors from the bike shop. Day finished with a very hard climb up to the moor including a 20% gradient at one point.
Today we crossed Dartmoor and climbed to the highest point of the journey over 1500 ft. Also set a record on way down with Steve recording a max speed of 50.7 mph! Finished Devon by 12 and then on to Cornwall. Pasties for lunch in Liskeard. Hard afternoon ride which anybody who knows Cornwall will understand - long climb, quick descent, long climb, quick descent etc..... It went on forever but we made it to our last stopover near St Austel. Tomorrow Lands End......

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Heavy legs (day) eleven

Started out this morning with a couple of hills and all agreed that the cumulative effect of riding 800 miles was starting to tell - legs felt heavy right from the start. First big milestone was crossing the M4 (see pics below).
Highlight of the day was a breathtaking descent through Cheddar Gorge into Cheddar. Stopped for a cup of tea and a bite to eat - chose the only cafe that seemed to have sold out of everything. Had to do a 5 mile section on the A38 so Steve led us out and we held 20+miles an hour for the first time on the ride. At that pace we could get to Lands End in one day instead of the planned 3 days!
Couple of mechanicals today - one front mech jam and another puncture.
We are staying in a B&B tonight so are going in hunt of some dinner in a local pub. Only 3 days to go - whoopee!!

Van has a day out sightseeing!

Burnham- sands

Cheddar Gorge.

Hi there here are a few pictures taken on route from Stroud to Burnham-on-Sea.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Day 10 - Kenilworth to Stroud

After such an easy days riding Steve Holtom won't believe us but today was another hard ride. Only 65 miles compared to yesterdays 70 but loads of climbing through the Cotswolds. As always a real sting in the tail with a very steep climb out of Stroud to our hotel in Rodborough.
Tim has been in a really chirpy mood since Villas 1 0 demolition of the Blue Noses!
Everybody fit and in good shape but tired - another early night.
Sorry no pictures today as no Internet connection. Burnham on Sea tomorrow, an easy ride .......

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Home -part 1!!

A castle and some cyclists!! Managed to get both together for a change. The guys pose for a photograph in front of Kenilworth Castle.

Sorry- not the best photo- I was too excited and had left the camera on landscape. However if you look closely you will indeed see the guys cycling into the Green Man car park this afternoon.
Can I say a big, big thank you to all of you who came along to cheer them home and giving them so much support. It is really appreciated.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Clitheroe to Leek(day 8)

"Refuelling" near the top of a big climb

Another day of good weather and hard riding. Initially very different riding conditions to yesterday- riding through city roads getting round Manchester. Special mention to Windsor Deli in Oldham for a great cup of tea and the best flapjacks in the north of England- we can recommend them if you are In the area. Also thanks for the donation to the charities.

Some difficult navigational challenges today which added some miles and took us into Maccelsfield, not the planned route but avoided the Snake Pass. Even so some BIG climbs today like yesterday. Run into Leek was good and fast thanks to some hard work on the front by Steve. It was strange to arrive with no van sitting in the car park and Sarah handing out refreshments- Sarah we miss you already.

Looking forward to Aidan joining us for dinner tonight and Steve H (and any others welcome) joining us for the ride tomorrow. But all really looking forward to getting home tomorrow!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Best Day Yet!

Having finished last night and started this morning in a quiet and sombre mood, we have all surprised ourselves by having the best day cycling yet. The morning was full of beautiful scenery, sunny and fast miles on good roads to Sedburgh where a refuelling lunch set us in good stead for the afternoon. The only blemish is that Simon is now being investigated by the BCF for substance abuse following his awesome performance up some of the hills. Steve and Tim have suggested he tries strapping a 4 stone weight to his stomach to even things up! Martin tested the durability of his GPS by bouncing it on the road at about 30 MPH just north of Sedburgh. Thankfully all is in tact. An afternoon of more serious climbs of at least 50% and 2 climbs over 1,000ft ensured that we arrived in Clitheroe well tired but in better spirits than we started. Tomorrow we are on to Leek and to meet with our mates-and Sunday to meet our families. We are all really excited about this as it has been really tough, long week. It would be great to see any familiar faces at the Green Man in Kenilworth on Sunday around 4pm.

Posted by Tim

ps We lose Sarah for a couple of days tomorrow as she drives to Leek to drop our bags off and then on to Kenilworth to drop our smelly washing off. Please think of Sarah having to carry out this most odious of tasks.

Day 7

More scenery for you from my drive from Edenhall to Clitheroe

Hi -I've arrived ahead in Clitheroe. All checked in and now waiting for the guys to arrive- they have about 15 miles left. Lovely scenery again and the weather is fabulous. How sad am I- I tested out the delay option on my camera- too much time on my hands.
The guys will give you a detailed account later- if they have the energy.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Photo Gallery

Sweetheart Abbey-in New Abbey nr Dumfries

Shambellie House Museum
Lunch in Carlisle -Tim's first ever Subway
Outside hotel at Dumfries

Edenhall-End of Day 6

Another good day of glorious sunshine - the rain and gales are a distant (but still painful) memory. Good start to the day out of Dumfries, riding through very pleasant scenery and crossed the border around 11.00 am. We called ahead to the bikeshop in Penrith to check that they had the parts for Tim's bike and could do the job - not very helpful so decided to detour to Carlisle. Many thanks to Kate for researching the bike shops and finding a store with the parts and a mechanic on standby, ready to do the job. Arrived in Carlisle around 1.30 and had Subway lunch in sunshine while the bike was fixed. We met up with Sarah who had had a lovely time visiting Shambellie House musuem of costume and the Sweetheart Abbey (pictures to follow). From Carlisle scenery got even better and we had a good ride to Edenhall. Another 65 miles today- total now around 450 so nearly halfway! Knees and bums the main problem areas but all sticking with it. Another big day tomorrow - close to 90 miles but we know we can do it......

Lunch day 6

Detoured into Carlisle to find a bike shop. Having a subway lunch while tim's bike is repaired. Crossed the border around 11, Scotland complete and only England to go. 25 miles to go today.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Happy Days

Great day today - we have all remembered why we used to like cycling! 70 miles of enjoyable cycling through attractive scenery into Dumfries, helped in no small part by the sun coming out - quite a contrast from yesterday's gales and heavy rain. A couple of "mechanicals" on the bikes, Tim's front shifter rachet mechanism has broken (top speed down from 40 to 30 mph now) and Steve was unable to clip in (now fixed by adjustment with 2.5mm Allen key which of course none of our "cool tools" that we were carrying had). Thanks to Sarah for scouting out a cycle shop in Dumfries before we arrived.
Thanks for all the comments and texts of support, it's got us through our darkest moment. We are looking forward tomorrow; England beckons .........

A culture photo

Castle Doon on Loch Doon - Ayrshire


think this sums up yesterday for me- but Steve and Si have clean kit now!!

Bad News

Have been told by hotel staff that we will 100% NOT be able to see the England game tonight.


Hi just quick post to say that they have arrived in Dumfries. They have had to take a detour to a bike shop as Tim's brake needs sorting. They had a much better ride today. Glorious sunshine and lovely scenery.
I'll find out more when I see them.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Troon end of day 4

Made it to Troon after another very hard days cycling - as hard as yesterday. 82 miles, dreadful weather and some horrible A roads. Scottish coast to coast complete and 320 miles in the bag. Everybody is carry aches and pains- no idea it would be this hard. Looking forward to an easier day tomorrow and some of the promised sunshine. Off to the bar for a shandy or two..... (apologies to Doc Bex our dietician)
Just managed to catch them as they travelled past.

Glen Coe

The camera really doesn't do justice to the scenery- not sure how much of it the boys could appreciate. They finished yesterday exhausted and found it extremely tough - infact we now have 4 bikes for sale!! Si doesn't recommend cycling 100 miles.
They have just set off for Troon and unfortunately the weather forecast is dreadful,heavy rain and strong winds. Good news though that the following day the weather looks alot better. So do think of them today as I think you are due a good day.

Glen Coe

Monday, 7 September 2009

mondays pictures

Riding over Balachulish-not sure how you spell it

They did it

Job done. They left just after 8 this morning and got to Crianlairich at 6.00-exhausted.
We are just off for tea- I'll get them to comment later.

photographs from day 1 and 2

"We seem to have lost Tim"

Photographs from day 1 and 2

Despite the rain on the first day, ice creams were needed.

Monday 7th Septemer

Hi everyone I am back on line this morning. We stayed here over night-not in the posh bit that is now the visitors centre. Our rooms were round the back. Just waved the chaps off on their 100mile trek. I thought I would give them a head start and sit and share a few thoughts and photographs. We are trying to meet near Glen Coe later. I will go to Fort William for my daily shop of bananas and energy bars which the boys seem to need!
Arrived at lunch time to Drumnadrochit-famous for Nessie. Met up with old school friend Sara and Midge. For those who know them they are well and I had a good chat catching up on things.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Lights out day 2

All turning in for an early night after a tiring but very satisfying day- some long hard climbs but plenty of downhill and a breathtaking 15% descent to finish the day. Some nerves about the big day tomorrow 100 miles and Glencoe to climb.
Need to give a special thanks to Doc Bex for supplying us with rocket fuel (powerade pro) which is going down a treat and yes we are all being good an eating plenty of pasta, porridge etc as instructed.
Wish us luck - if we make day 3 then we know we can do it!

Lunch day 2

Made it to Dingwalls for lunch about 50 miles so far. One big climb done, one more to come after lunch. Pastas, mince and tatties for lunch and lashings of Ginger beer!

Dunrobin Castle

Sorry- couldn't resist putting a cultural picture- makes a change from all the lycra

Slim Boys

Tim and Steve's weight reduction programme already showing good results!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Steve and Tim are off to Carbo-load at the bar. Simon is thinking about it and Martin hasn't appeared from his room since he came back!
Journey's end!! not quite
I think we have gone wrong already!!

Photographs from day 1

Right boys I think it is that way- off you go
Hello I have the internet. I dropped the chaps off in glorious sunshine this morning but the rain came along!! Just checked into the Sutherland Arms Hotel at Golspie and will wait for the arrival of the chaps. Bananas, milkshake and honey were the requests for today - mission accomplisedI will now get the photographs off my camera and post them soon.

Just incase anyone is interested I went to Dunrobin castle today. I won't bore you with the details I'll get on with these photographs.

Thankyou to all those eagle eyed people who noticed the KWN's deliberate mistake. No prizes on offer though.

Lunch time day 1

50 miles completed so earned a good lunch in Helmsdale. Started out in sunshine but quickly changed to rain- very wet! Beridale a bit of a challenge but we all made it up.

Addendum- We must give a special mention to our lunchtime hosts the Bannockburn Arms in Helmsdale for such a warm welcome. They provided towels, a great value meal,and friendly local chat - a must stop for any cyclists or walkers passing through.

Friday, 4 September 2009


Arrived at hotel around 5.30 - fantastic job by Steve driving all the way. Just finished dinner - only Martin managed to stick to the alcohol abstinance. All feeling a little nervous ( we drove down some big hills on the way) and turning in for an early night. It all begins tomorrow.......

Journey North continues

Past Perth, entering the highlands still 225 miles to go! Mr Shaw doing a great job driving and giving a running commentary on all the vans we pass.

The great journey North

Just crossing the Scottish border. Good bye to England for 6 days! Sat nav says still 350 miles to John o Groats!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Just for those who maybe don't know all the chaps if you look at the photo below- from left to right are: Steve, Martin, Tim Barnett (sponsor), Tim and Simon.
Morning everyone. Well this time tomorrow we will be well on our way up the country towards Scotland- well probably some service station having breakfast. I am all packed with all the necessary items-books/magazines/credit card - It's going to be a tough job but someone has to do it. Simon has decided to start his trip by adding a few miles and will be travelling back from Denmark tonight- no change there then. So lets hope there are no delays with the airlines.
I'll keep you posted with how they are progressing- although this will depend a little on the internet access- may be a little less easy in the more remote places.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Here are the chaps in their nice new shirts!
See Kenilworth Weekly News 4 Sept.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Good place to keep your spares!
Glad we went to Go Outdoors today- I think the Groaters should model themselves on on this!

Think we should have a caption competition- Anyone wish to start.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Got my first mission request from Mr Suffield. Can I find a sports bar in Dumfries which will show the England-Croatia game on 9th September!! Is this really the work of a support driver? 

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Just to clarify the dates. We will be setting off from Kenilworth early Friday 4th September for the long drive to John O'Groats. The Chaps will then be getting on their bikes Saturday 5th September. Watch this space!

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Hill training in Denmark

Simon is not lost but has travelled to Denmark to do some serious hill training! The picture shows me on the Vestas guest bike travelling through the Lem windfarm - don't let the picture deceive you, the gradient is very steep!!

Some facts you probably didn't know about Denmark:
  • The highest point in Denmark is 170m above sea level
  • 18% of all journeys are by bicycle, second only to the Netherlands (UK is less than 1%)
  • Danes travel an average of 1.6km per day per head of the population by bicycle(UK less than 0.2km)
  • Carlsberg is not the best beer in the world!

Practicing Blogging. Hohoho.

Simon seems to have lost his way. Denmark wasn't on the route.
Only 24 days before the long drive to John O'Groats. Watch this space.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

LeJoG or JoGLE?

After much discussion, debate and contradictory advice we finally decided to do the route from North to South. Yes we know the prevailing wind will be against us and everybody (including James Cracknell and Rebecca Romero on their tandem record attempt) does it the other way. But it will be logistically easier having the long drive at the start and finishing (relatively) closer to home. Anyway Cracknell and Romero failed and everybody knows it is downhill all the way if you travel North to South......... So Jogle '09 it is!
For those interested our route plan is as follows:

Friday, 24 July 2009

All smiles at start of training run......