Monday, 21 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

Lands End - the end!

Made it....!

Friday 18th September-The final Day

And they are off on their final leg. This was them this morning as they set off. We will keep you posted. I am off to meet Kate and Heather in Penzance- horraay! I will finish my little adventure and will be able to say that I have driven from John O Groats to Lands End, and when I say it took 2 weeks I will wait for some bright spark to say "you could have cycled it in that time"!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Statistics for the trip so far

Time for a stretch!
Photo opportunity on Dartmoor

With just one leg to go the stats for the trip so far are:
Total distance = 954 miles (1000 tomorrow)
Total height climbed = 60226 feet
Highest point = 1524 feet ( 6 days above 1000ft)
3 punctures, 2 broken spokes, 1 broken shifter, 2 jammed front mechs;
52+ bananas
104 litres of rocket fuel drunk .....

High point of the Tor - day 13

Sorry about no update yesterday - we were up on the Moor in moretonhamstead which was a bit of a communication black hole. Yesterday generally went well and we made good time. Another broken spoke but managed to get it repaired in Tiverton while we had toasted sandwiches in a tea room a few doors from the bike shop. Day finished with a very hard climb up to the moor including a 20% gradient at one point.
Today we crossed Dartmoor and climbed to the highest point of the journey over 1500 ft. Also set a record on way down with Steve recording a max speed of 50.7 mph! Finished Devon by 12 and then on to Cornwall. Pasties for lunch in Liskeard. Hard afternoon ride which anybody who knows Cornwall will understand - long climb, quick descent, long climb, quick descent etc..... It went on forever but we made it to our last stopover near St Austel. Tomorrow Lands End......

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Heavy legs (day) eleven

Started out this morning with a couple of hills and all agreed that the cumulative effect of riding 800 miles was starting to tell - legs felt heavy right from the start. First big milestone was crossing the M4 (see pics below).
Highlight of the day was a breathtaking descent through Cheddar Gorge into Cheddar. Stopped for a cup of tea and a bite to eat - chose the only cafe that seemed to have sold out of everything. Had to do a 5 mile section on the A38 so Steve led us out and we held 20+miles an hour for the first time on the ride. At that pace we could get to Lands End in one day instead of the planned 3 days!
Couple of mechanicals today - one front mech jam and another puncture.
We are staying in a B&B tonight so are going in hunt of some dinner in a local pub. Only 3 days to go - whoopee!!

Van has a day out sightseeing!

Burnham- sands

Cheddar Gorge.

Hi there here are a few pictures taken on route from Stroud to Burnham-on-Sea.